There are nine members of the Tribal Education Advisory Board, with primary roles consisting of a chairperson, vice-chairperson, and secretary. The TEAB serves the Tribal members by enacting policies that oversee culture based, high quality academic programming meant to promote and support lifelong learning for the Tribal community. Tribal Education Advisory Board members are appointed by Tribal council, serving staggered terms of two to four years, with officers elected annually. Regular meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month in the Wiimaajiikwad Conference Room located at the new school/Education building on Giikendaaso Way.
Jennifer Birchmeier - Chair
Rosemary Ekdahl - Board Member
Andrew Wagner - Board Member
Melissa Fulger - Vice Chair
Paquieka Granison - Board Member
Miranda Pelcher-Miley - Board Member
Judy Pamp - Secretary
Marilee Fleming - Board Member
Vacant - Board Member