All Isabella County youth are welcome to join 4-H STEAM Clubs. 4-H registration is FREE for the 2020-21 year. 4-H STEAM Clubs are SPIN Clubs (SPecial INterest Clubs) that focus on topics related to science, technology, engineering, art, and math. While we are not able to meet face-to-face at this time, we are providing club opportunities virtually, via email, and by using the USPS for packets of information/activities sent directly to members. Club topics are chosen by members and have included Crime Scene Investigation, Winter Science, the Art of Math, Jr. Audubon Explorers, Monarch Conservation, Life Cycles in Nature, and CodeBreakers! Upcoming clubs include Winter Gardening, Zooming Among Us/Zoombaloo!, Germ Hunters, and more! If you are 5-19 and interested in science, adventure, exploring, fun, and learning, please complete this survey and contact Mary Lee Humphreys, 4-H STEAM Corps Coordinator at for more information.
FREE Registration: 4-H STEAM Clubs
February 8, 2021